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Selectmen Minutes 11/21/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 21, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

PRESENT:  Budget Committee members; Jason Weir, Pam Stiles, John Martell, Lucille Noel.  Member Bruce Dyke arrived a little later.  Department representatives; Dave Paveglio, Joanna MacIntosh, Robyn Stephens, Robert Mann and David Kenneally.

Building Inspector: The proposed budget is down 18.28%.  The number of building permits is down overall.  

Emergency Management: Level funded at $500.00

Cemeteries: Level funded due to most of the restoration work being done by volunteers.   

Recreation Commission: This proposed budget is down 5.26%.

Conservation Commission: Expenses are level funded at $1000.00.  Lisa will speak with the Department of Revenue to clarify the accounting of the Land Use Change Tax money within the budget.

Highway Department: Adjustments were made on the following line items;
        4312-25 General Equip. Maintenance- from $3,500 to $2,000
        4312-31 Shed Heat                              - from $4,500 to $4,000
        4312-65 One Ton                                 - from $7,000 to $2000
Total highway budget including payroll is up slightly by 1.48%.

The highway department will be submitting a warrant article for the Center Road construction project.  An engineering bid has estimated the costs to be around $420,000.  Mr. Kenneally stated the highway department could do a lot of the work in house and save around $100,000.  Mr. Kenneally requested permission from the Board of Selectmen to reschedule job priorities and allow the highway department to use money from this budget to grind Center Road and add gravel in preparation for next year.  This request has the recommendation of the Road Advisory Committee.  The Board asked the Road Agent what projects he would delay and where in the budget he thought the expenses would be covered.  Mr. Kenneally stated he would hold off replacing the culverts on Cross and Hutchinson Roads.  The expense lines he was looking at are gravel and trucking.  The Board will discuss the request and inform Mr. Kenneally of their decision.  

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BOS minutes
November 21, 2006


Motion Chairman MacCleery second by Selectman Colbert to amend the Copy Fee Schedule approved on October 31, 2006, to reflect the allowable amount under the law for copies of the Voter Checklist to $25.00 regardless of the format requested.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The final payment from F.L. Merrill for the Webster Mills Bridge Project has been submitted.  Chairman MacCleery signed the final disbursement request for Northway Bank in the amount of $51,452.15.

The status of the library well installation was discussed. Chairman MacCleery has contacted a plumber but has not heard back.  Selectman DeBold has spoken to the contractor, Elwin Carlton discussing options available to cap the artisan well.  After further discussion the Board of Selectmen agreed to stay with the current contractor, provided the Library Trustees were in agreement.  Mr. Carlton will order a pit less pump that will be installed down in the well 4’.  This will be an additional cost of $2,000.  The Board will speak with the Road Agent for scheduling the highway department’s assistance with the completion of this project.

Chairman MacCleery has spoken to the owners of Clark’s Grain Store regarding the removal of the temporary signs along the fence.

The Board of Adjustment still has not received resignations from inactive members.  Chairman Meehan has addressed this issue.  

Discussion of the auditing proposals was tabled until next meeting to allow the Board time for thorough review. The Board was in favor of inviting the vendors in for discussion.

The Farm Lease Agreement was tabled until next meeting to allow for further review.

The proposals for the printing of the Town Report were reviewed.  The Board would like to see some samples before making a decision.  Lisa will contact the vendors and request samples.

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the Road Agent’s request to grind Center Road and add gravel.  The Board received a letter from the Road Advisory Committee recommending their support of starting this project now. The Selectmen would like to see a detailed explanation in writing from the Road Agent as to where this money is coming from.  Money cannot be removed from the ditching project or winter fund.  The Board does not see where there is an adequate amount of money left in the highway budget for

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BOS minutes
November 21, 2006

this year.  The budget is too tight and the winter weather is too unpredictable.  Chairman MacCleery is not in favor of granting this request to spend money on a project that was not planned and explained to the voters.  Town meeting approved an engineering study to be performed and Chairman MacCleery does not support starting any work before that study is discussed with the voters at next Town Meeting.  Motion Selectman Colbert and second by Chairman MacCleery to deny the Road Agent’s request to spend $22,000 to grind and put gravel back on Center Road.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  This request may be reconsidered if the Board receives a detailed plan from the Road Agent, clearly showing where the money is coming from.  

The Board requested Lisa to obtain the current rates for snow plowing from the State Department of Transportation.     

The Board signed an authorization for Town Clerk Evelyn Pike to be a Boat Agent.

An abatement for Day on map 1, lot 3 was signed in the amount of $500.00.

An Intent to Cut Timber for map 6, lot 8a was signed.  

The Board reviewed mail, e-mail and correspondence.

The minutes of November 14, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Richard DeBold